Everyone knows the first few months of parenthood is hectic. Motherhood in particular can be very stressful, and a little help is always welcome during that period. Here are a few ways in which you can help a new mama in those first few months, while she adjusts to motherhood.

Prepare A Postpartum Care Kit for The Mama

A Woman’s body is put through trial during childbirth, and regardless to whether it was a natural birth or not, will take a while to recover completely. This being said, it’s vital that the mama takes care of herself after giving birth; something most mamas forget due to simply not having enough time from catering to the baby’s needs. Gifting the mother, a postpartum care kit (that includes sanitary essentials, pain relievers suitable for this period, little indulgences like bathing salts and sweets) will ensure that she at least tries to take care of herself.

Buy Her A Few Feed and Sleep Friendly Outfits

After the baby’s birth, some women immediately lose weight, while others take time to regain their pre-baby weight, or even get stuck between these two. This means none of their clothes are going to fit perfectly. There’s also a fact that after the baby arrives, almost all their outfit options are going to be based on the ease to feed while wearing it…and how comfortable it is to take an impromptu nap with the baby. Buying the new mama a few quality maternity dresses Australia made will definitely help them out when the time comes.

Drop Off A Meal…And Maybe (Casually) Do A Few Of Her Chores 

Cooking meals while catering to the needs of a demanding newborn can be nearly impossible; but also, unavoidable if they have other kids to feed and take care of. And while it’s true that most mamas handle this chore quite well, an occasional break from cooking is always welcome during this period. If the new mama is up for it, visit a while, and perhaps take care of a few of her chores while you visit. If not, simply drop off the food, no strings attached…!

Offer to Pick Up Groceries for Her

No matter how great they are at handling chores, new parents are always feeling like they’re over their head during the first few months of a baby’s life. This is largely due to the lack of sleep most new parents go through. And while they may have been perfectly capable of taking care of their own grocery before, offering to do it for them while you do your own will actually be a very welcomed suggestion at some moments; reducing their chore load for the week.

Offer to Babysit (The Newborn, Or Her Other Kids) While She Sleeps or Takes A Few Moments for Herself

If the newborn’s mama is exhausted all the time, a few hours of uninterrupted and peaceful sleep can be all they need. Offer to babysit the little one while she grabs a nap; timing it so that you take over after the baby has been fed. If she has other kids, offer to take them off her hands for a few hours so that she may rest of catch up with some much needed “

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